First Horse

Marketingsansvarlig – fra august 2011 til maj 2013

Konsulent og marketingsansvarlig for branding af First Horse som et af Danmarks største hesteforsikringsselskaber.

Varetog i perioden planlægning ift. strategi, budget og medieplan for områderne indenfor hest, båd, dykning og øvrige divisioner. Forestod iøvrigt koordinering, planlægning og eksekveringen af alle marketingsaktiviteter i virksomheden.

Linn and has for a longer period of time assisted FIRST in marketing and promotion – predominantly on bloodstock/equine insurance and has played a major role in First achieving a market position beating all speed records.

One of Linn’s other tasks in our coorporation was anchoring various strategic planning which was an enormous help for us.

I consider Linn to be a hard working, dedicated person – extremely focused on results without compromising the quality of service.

Linn has a wide range of professional qualities and an impressive network and I am delighted to give my warmest recommendations to any company or organization who wants things done.

Flemming Parris, FIRST. A/S